Young people at St Giles
St Giles has a designated Safeguarding Officer:
Bobby Francis – 01525 222351
07971 287299
All our teachers, helpers, Open the Book volunteers and PCC members hold valid DBS certificates, have undergone safeguarding training and are familiar with our good practice guidelines for the work they do.
Safeguarding VULNERABLE ADULTS AND childreN when they are at St Giles
At St Giles we take the well-being of all who worship here and use our buildings seriously; all deserve the best care that we, as Christians, can provide.
We publicly state here that we, as a PCC, have reviewed our policies to ensure we have complied with the duty under section 5 of the Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016 (duty to have due regard to House of Bishops’ guidance on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults).
Our policies for safeguarding both children and adults when they are vulnerable are endorsed by the Diocese of St Albans and reviewed every year. Our Safeguarding Officer, Churchwarden, several PCC members and others who work alongside the young and vulnerable have undertaken safeguarding training and are familiar with the key documents published by the Church of England Protecting All God’s Children (2010) and Promoting a Safer Church (2017). Those working in areas where it is necessary to have been checked by the DBS hold a current and clear check, and are familiar with our good practice guidelines for the work they do.
We acknowledge our responsibility for these matters and strive always to do God’s work, mindful of current legislation, regulations and guidelines but always with Christian love.