Sunday the 9th of February





                       Sunday the 9th Of February @Tilsworth                       

The Blessing of rings




 Blessing of Rings

The Parishes of totternhoe, stanbridge & tilsworth

St Giles, Totternhoe

The Ride, Church Road, Totternhoe, Beds, LU6 1RH

St John the Baptist, Stanbridge

Tilsworth Road, Stanbridge, Beds, LU7 9HT

All Saints, Tilsworth

Stanbridge Road, Tilsworth, Beds, LU7 9PN

Saint John the Baptist Church

Tilsworth Road Stanbridge , LU7 9HT, UK

St Giles Church, Totternhoe

St Giles Church The Ride, Church Road Totternhoe, LU6 1RJ

All Saints Church, Tilsworth

Stanbridge Rd, LU7 9PS UK


Whether you’re looking for a church, just looking into what Christians believe, wanting to know about knowing God personally, or even explore the purpose and meaning of life, we welcome you to join us. We believe that knowing Jesus and being loved by Him is the best thing that could ever happen to any person. God has shown  how much he loves us by sending Jesus to die for us although we all sin against him and often neglect loving our neighbour. We have found His forgiveness liberating, and that is why we make it our purpose to worship Him and to share His love. We are three Anglican churches together -TST Benefice. TST stands for the villages of Totternhoe, Stanbridge and Tilsworth – three villages close to each other. Benefice means we have a paid minister. Join us!

Kaushal David – Vicar