Our Vision
In our three local churches we aspire to be a community that grows spiritually, and in numbers, by being:
Informed by God’s word;
Restored by His grace;
Transformed by His Love;
Perform acts of kindness
Informed by God’s word to know His will and plan for humanity:
We will create opportunities for each person in each church to be able to study the Bible further through having a Bible Study group close to their home in each Church community.
We will endeavour to read through the whole Bible in the next three years.
We will implement a Bible reading plan.
Restored by His grace, mercy and forgiveness:
We will start faith exploration courses, for example Alpha, Christianity Explored or Life Explored, and run them twice a year in order to facilitate people who are seeking to know more about Jesus.
We aim to proclaim this restoration to all three villages through all our activities, notwithstanding personal testimony, and create an atmosphere for our villages to seek and find God.
In our corporate worship we aim to facilitate drawing people closer to God and being able to sense God’s presence through his Holy Spirit, by excellence in preaching/teaching, singing, praise and prayer.
In our corporate worship we will embrace the new whilst appreciating what we have received from Christians in the years gone by, especially our historic buildings. In worship we would like everyone to feel that they are glad to be Christians.
Transformed by His Love to transform our local communities:
We want to love God with all we have so that we are transformed to love.
We aim to be ambassadors of Christ in each of our villages by visiting the sick and lonely, the hurting, helpless and hopeless.
We will engage in existing community groups, form new community groups to share resources, strengthen families and help local agencies.
We will advocate God given values for human dignity, free agency, gender, family, sex, money, and power.
Perform acts of kindness for the poor, and seek justice for the marginalised:
We aim to serve the poor, feed the hungry and give what we can afford whilst signposting to other agencies with the right resources, skills and expertise.