Bible In A Year
We believe it is beneficial to read God’s Word daily. However, in actual practice that can be very hard to do. Many Christians have never read the entire Bible.
You can read the Bible in one year here with: One Year® Bible Reading Plan
Reading the Bible daily not only helps you grow in your faith and your walk with Jesus Christ; you will find it can be an amazing source of encouragement throughout your day.
You don’t have to wait until January 1st to begin reading the Bible in a year. You can pick it up and start at any time.
The ‘Bible in a Year’ has scheduled readings for each day. It takes about 15-20 minutes to read and includes passages from the Old Testament, the New Testament, and then a few Psalms and Proverbs too. The first entry of the One Year Bible Reading Plan starts with Genesis 1:1 (the beginning of the Old Testament) and Matthew 1:1 (the beginning of the New Testament). So you’ll start reading the beginning of the Old and the beginning of the New simultaneously, a little each day. By the end, you will have read the entire Bible once and the Book of Psalms twice.
Widely considered to be the easiest version to understand, the New Living Translation is highly recommended for those who love reading God’s Word as well as those who wish to better understand its message.