
       Congratulations if you have recently had a baby!                                          
 Every child is precious to God.


Now you are thinking of having your child baptised/christened, we’d love to help you through the process. Perhaps your children are a little older, or you may even be an adult seeking baptism for yourself. Whatever the position, we are delighted for you and will help you through the next steps.

In the beginnings of the church, it was mainly adults who got baptised. They had to make a volitional choice to follow Jesus and baptism was received – a sign of starting a new life with Jesus, leaving behind the old life of sin and separation from God. Many churches continue in that tradition to this day, and practice exclusively adult baptism, reflecting a personal decision to follow Jesus.

In the Anglican denomination, as well as adults, we baptise children in the hope that one day the child will come to own their baptismal faith in Jesus. Further, as Anglicans we hope that when children, as teenagers, come to appreciate what Jesus has done for them on the cross for the forgiveness of sins, they may become confirmed in their faith at a Confirmation service (by a bishop).

As parents and godparents bring the children forward for baptism/christening, a promise is made to raise the children to know that God loves them, to facilitate faith in Jesus and to help them to follow Jesus as a member of the Church.

We also have an alternative service of thanksgiving and blessing if you feel that baptism is not the way forward for your family.

We look forward to hearing from you!



